Rye Elf With Base The North Pole Bakery is home to Santa’s wonderful baking elves. This boy elf is dressed in his proper baking uniform. His tan hat with green trim lines, and white icing-like brim, draw attention to his ruddy hair and blue eyes. A sack of flour as thrown over his shoulder, ready to be made into fresh dough. The tan shirt and pantaloons are contrasted by a dark brown vest that has red, blue, and purple buttons with white trim. His sleeves are rolled up for work and held in place by a peppermint button. His dapper uniform is spruced-up with a sharp green bowtie and shirt buttons. This hard working elf can’t go to work without his boots! Leather brown boots with white laces are clasped by a peppermint button! Top to bottom this elf is full of equisite detail.
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